Sunday, 11 September 2016

How to Fit in a Workout When You Have Kids

The last thing on your mind after having a baby is exercise. You are going to be way too busy with a newborn and trying to get some sleep. For most of us, though, the day comes where we want to get our bodies back and lose some of the extra weight we gained.
I am a firm believer in self-love and acceptance, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to gain back your confidence. The hard part is trying to fit in a workout with an infant (or toddler), but it is possible.
how to fit in a workout when you're taking care of kids
Image: Fit Approach via Flickr via Creative Commons license
The trick to getting a workout in as a new mom is to either find the perfect time that you can be child-free, or find a way to include your bundle of joy! There are many workouts you can do from the comfort of your own home, which makes things a whole lot easier for you.
If you don't think you have the space or equipment for home exercise, find a gym that has child-care included. While you work out, your child will be able to socialize and have some fun themselves.
Finding the time to work out is the first step. You can try to time your exercise around the times that your little one is sleeping, which is what I usually do. If your child is a hard sleeper like mine is, you won't have any problem getting your sweat on while they are napping.
If your kid goes to daycare or school during the day, you can work out then, or on your lunch break if you work outside of the home. It isn't at the top of my list to get all sweaty at lunch and then go back to work, but I have done it on days where I was pressed for time.
If you can't seem to find the time, you can involve your child in your work outs, and chances are they will love it! I know every time I start working out when my son is around, he gets a huge smile on his face and joins in.
He naturally is full of endless energy, so he loves any excuse to jump around and burn some of it off. The easiest way for me to get a quick work out in that never fails is by popping in a DVD and getting down in my living room. There's plenty of room for me to do the moves, with my son by my side. The belly laughs you both will have the whole time is an added ab workout!
Another way to include your child in your work outs is by ditching the weights and picking them up! I'm not talking about anything crazy, but doing squats with your little one in tow adds some weight to help sculpt your booty.
Picking them up and lifting them up and down (make sure to watch your form) like you are doing arm curls is a great bicep work out. If you have a baby carrier, strap it on and walk around the house doing lunges. Your baby will have fun doing the moves with mom, and you will supercharge your workouts from the added weight.
If you are more into cardio, take your child for a walk or run! If you are more of a walker, grab a wagon, stroller, or tricycle and bring your kid for a walk. Choosing a route that has a combination of uphill and downhill stretches will work every angle of your legs, while you torch calories pulling your kid with you.
If you would rather hit the pavement running, grab yourself a good jogging stroller and get going! Your child will love the wind in their hair while watching the neighborhood whiz by. Just the promise of going outside is enough to encourage your little ones to get going.
Where there's a will, there's a way. If you are focused on getting healthy while pushing your body to its limit, you will find a way to do it with or without your little one. You don't have to live behind excuses, and you certainly shouldn't use your kids as one.
They will look up to you and remember you as the badass you are. So get some great exercise in while making fun memories that will carry on throughout your lives.
To follow Gabrielle's health & fitness journey- and for tips and recipes go to My Life on a Whim

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