Wednesday 12 October 2016

10 Steps to Starting a Fashion Blog

fashion show

One of the most covered topics in the blogging world is fashion. These days, it seems that almost anyone who has even the slightest bit of interest in fashion has made up a website. Girls as young as 12 are actually running their own fashion blogs. Bloggers have actually become front row material and are sitting next to fashion giants in the front row at the biggest fashion shows.
Have you always dreamed of making your way into the fashion industry? Having a fashion blog can go a long way in helping you achieve your goal. But, the question is how do you make your blog spectacular? Discussed below are the steps you need to take in order to become a successful fashion blogger:

Set the Theme

First things first, you need to decide how your blog is going to be different from everyone else's. There are millions of fashion blogs on the internet so why should people come to yours? Figuring out your unique hook is necessary for new fashion bloggers to stand out and be different.

Pick a Sticky Name

The next thing you need to do is select a name for your fashion blog. How do you want to be recognized and remembered? If your name is catchy, you are more likely to grab the attention of the audience. Do some research and have a brainstorming session so you can come up with a name that can be easily identified, understood and remembered.
The name will encapsulate your blog and your personality. Keep it simple or else it may be difficult for people to recall it.

Choose a Platform

There are numerous publishing tools you can use for your blog. There are some household names like Tumblr and Blogger. However, the most popular choice is WordPress because it offers you a lot of freedom and options for expanding your blog. Moreover, it is also quite affordable and reliable. What more could you want? Whatever platform you choose, ensure using a good antivirus, so your blog or website isn't attacked. You can click here for antivirus deals.

Diversify Your Content

Don't forget that the fashion world is competitive and your voice will just be another in the sea of voices if it is not different. You need to establish your originality if you want to have a loyal audience for the long term.
You can choose to write about celebrity styles as a lot of people look up to them and are always eager to know tips that can help them in adopting similar looks and styles. While this has been done by other blogs, you can make it unique by offering affordable alternatives along the same lines.

Feature Approachable Clothing

There are already thousands of blogs that have been dedicated to the top fashion brands, and you don't want to be just another one. Furthermore, it is highly likely that the audience cannot afford to purchase branded clothes on a regular basis.
Instead, you can inspire them with your outfits and designs by displaying them on your blog. You can wear them yourself and show it to your readers so they are able to identify with you. You can also promote your designs on Instagram through pictures. With services, such as Mulpix, you can be easily found too.

Write Frequently

One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they don't update their blog regularly. It is essential for you to post on a regular basis, especially when it comes to fashion blogs. The world of fashion undergoes changes very frequently and you need to keep your audience updated.
If you are not there to provide them with guidance, they are probably going to head to other sources. That's not what you want, right?

Throw in DIY Projects

Do-it-Yourself projects are always a hit. In fact, you can even ask your readers to share their experiences and results and this can get the conversation and communication going on your blog. It is an excellent opportunity for you to establish relationships with your audience on a more personal level.

Keep Your Audience in Mind

Once your blog starts heading towards popularity, it will not be long when you are tempted to advertise on your website. However, letting your fashion blog become one big advertisement is simply going to anger and annoy your audience. They come to your blog for advice, tips and updates and not for the incessant ads that encourage them to buy this and that. Be picky when it comes to samples. Another important aspect to keep in mind is language when it comes to audience. Try to get your blog translated in multiple languages.

Be Original

Content remains king in today's blogging world, and you need to make this your mantra. Nevertheless, make sure your content is original and not copied from somewhere else. Plagiarism is going to get you blacklisted in search engines, and your audience will stop coming to you if you are not providing them with something new. The key is to offer value to your audience in a friendly and simple way.

Be Yourself

Last, but definitely not the least, you should be yourself. Don't try to copy anyone else. There is plenty of room for you to play around and do experiments and only showcase what feels right to you. Your readers are going to enjoy your honest opinion and unique voice and be compelled to visit you regularly.

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