Wednesday 12 October 2016

4 Reasons Why Comics Are Good For Kids

4 Reasons Why Comics Are Good For Kids

Since the invention of comics nearly a century ago people have been split in groups about their value and place in literature. In the beginning, parents were completely against comics because they thought comics did not offer as much value and class to its readers as other mediums of reading do. Things changed later as comics were popularized and many movies based on them were made. The image of comics has improved a great deal in the past but there is still a huge population of parents and teachers that does not believe in letting kids read comics.
There are teachers and parents who will still stop their children from reading comics and encourage them to read other stuff. In their minds they believe that a child is having a loss by reading comics. That’s not the case at all and recent studies have proved it. Today, you will know about reasons for which parents should allow their kids to read comics just as much as they allow their kids to read their favorite stuff. Here are some top reasons:

Researches Prove Comic Reading Benefitting

Being a truly modern person you must believe in science and studies. The most recent studies and researches done on this particular subject have proved that comic reading is actually a great thing for children. Scientists at University of Illinois have stated it clearly that comics are just as benefiting for children as any other books because absorbing text is not the only aim of reading something. Another professor from library and information science department, named Carol Tilley, has called comics just as benefiting for children as reading other forms of literature.
She clearly answers the critique from several parents about children reading comics but not putting pictures together by saying that it depends on the child. A child could be looking at just the pictures in his picture book and not the words. She says that the personality of the reader and their intellect matter a lot when it comes to reading a book and benefiting from it. She also asks the parents to understand that comics can be just as complex as other types of literature because putting pictures together with one-line texts requires some intellect.

Makes Children Readers

You know it as a parent that with children you have to start with the simplest of things so they understand things. In the beginning they will tell a child that an atom consists of nucleus, electrons, protons and neutrons. However, as they go in higher grades they come to know about a whole world that lies within the nucleus of an atom. In the same way, comics help kids understand things their way. The pictures in front of them mean a lot to them and they are more appealing than lines and lines of small text written on pages after pages.
With comics they have to read very little as most of the text is in the speech balloons, as captions or single lines. If you want to make your kids readers, you will have to first attract them towards reading. The best way to do that is through comics. They love comics and ask for more when they are done with one. This leads them to becoming great readers as they age. Just observe how kids would often like to watch stuff they don’t want to read. In that same manner, they like comics because of the pictures but slowly they become great readers. There are comic series, such as "Suicide Squad," "Born Again," "Ghost World," and many more that really interest children.

They Learn Inference

Kids would read comics and learn things before they clearly happen before their eyes. For example, if you as a parent tell your kid that your belly is making weird noises at 10 in the morning, your kid might infer that you are hungry. That’s inference and comics are great in teaching this to kids. Comics don’t always explain everything and when a punch line is missing it is left on the kid to make an inference based on the little text and the picture in front of him/her. Such learning helps them greatly with social skills as they grow up.

They Learn Vocabulary

Comics from Jim Davis are a great example of how some writers like to use big words in their comics. These words prove to be a great way for children to learn vocabulary. They will often look at a word in their comic and ask their parents for the meaning. If a kid is asking you the meaning it means the content of the comic is important for him/her. Your child wants to learn the word because they want to know exactly is happening in the comic. In addition to that, comics can be a great way for kids to learn other languages. With little text they are best for kids to learn new words from other languages.

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