Wednesday 12 October 2016

Eating Healthy Is Not "One Size Fits All"

Most healthy people know that you have to have a balanced diet to feel your best, and even look your best, if that is your concern. There’s no surprise that if you eat junk food, you will feel like junk. Ever heard of the phrase, “You are what you eat”? That statement proves to be true every day, in my life. After losing over 100 pounds, I realized how much better I could feel when I was fueling my body correctly. I also learned that when I slipped up and ate crap again, my body was not happy with me.

Eating healthy is not such a simple plan, and it definitely is not a “one size fits all” ordeal. Everyone’s body is different, and has different needs. The basics are pretty standard, you should have the correct portions of grains, meats (or other sources of protein, if you are vegetarian), dairy, vegetables, fruits, and even sugars. There are things you should avoid like artificial sweeteners and trans fats, that is standard for pretty much everyone.
If you have a certain ailment, there may be things you need to eat more or less of than other people. For example, those with diabetes need to watch their sweets more than others, as the sugar can affect their bodies differently. Those who have low bone density or high risk of osteoporosis have to eat a special diet as well, to make sure their body can perform at its best. 
If your body has a deficiency in certain vitamins or nutrients, you have to make sure you are eating foods that can help replenish your body to avoid any negative side effects. Some deficiencies like iron, for example, can be very harmful if it goes untreated. Your body needs these micronutrients in order to survive long-term, even if you think you feel fine right now. Going to the doctor regularly and getting check-ups and blood work done can help you determine if you have any deficiencies.
Some people are intolerant to different kinds of foods also, like gluten and lactose. These are the most common intolerances, and they can really turn someone’s life upside down. I have several family members who had many ailments, and it wasn’t until they found out they were gluten intolerant that they were able to fix the issues and feel normal again. Unfortunately, living with this intolerance is very difficult, as most every food out there has gluten, or has come in contact with gluten. They have to be very careful, especially when they go out to eat, or they will become very sick if they accidentally eat gluten. Identifying these intolerances is important too, otherwise you may become accustomed to living in discomfort.
The best thing you can do is listen to your body, as well as your doctor. Don’t be afraid to get multiple opinions, if you are having a hard time figuring out what your unique body needs (or shouldn’t have). What you eat literally affects your entire life, so you should treat it as such. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself now and then, but we need to realize that food is fuel, and is here for our survival, and nothing else. If your health and well-being is important to you, you will ensure that you eat the best way that you can for your body. 

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