Friday 29 June 2018

Press Releases: Invalidation of Mayoral Elections in Moldova 

Press Releases: Invalidation of Mayoral Elections in Moldova 
Press Statement
Heather Nauert
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 28, 2018

The Moldovan Supreme Court’s non-transparent decision to uphold the invalidation of Chisinau’s June 3 mayoral elections represents a threat to Moldovan democracy.

The winning candidate in Chisinau’s mayoral race received a majority of the votes. International observers found relatively minor irregularities that would not justify invalidation of the election results, and there were no calls from election participants to invalidate the results. The Court’s unusual and unwarranted decision thwarts the electoral will of the Moldovan people and damages respect for the rule of law and democratic principles in Moldova.

As Secretary Pompeo emphasized to Prime Minister Filip in their June 25 meeting, free and fair elections are the hallmark of a democratic government and must reflect the will of the country’s citizens without political interference.

Published June 28, 2018 at 01:42PM

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