Tuesday 3 July 2018

Press Releases: Remarks at Press Availability With Foreign Minister Messahel

Press Releases: Remarks at Press Availability With Foreign Minister Messahel
John J. Sullivan
Deputy Secretary of State
Algiers, Algeria
June 28, 2018

Good afternoon. I am delighted to be here today in Algiers to have lengthy discussions with Foreign Minister Messahel and his colleagues in the Algerian government on many important issues, including counterterrorism. We’ve just left the beginning of the fifth U.S.-Algeria Counterterrorism Dialogue and it’s an auspicious start and I’m looking forward to continuing discussions and cooperation today.

A week before Algeria’s Independence Day commemoration on July 5, allow me to pass along greetings and best wishes to the Algerian government and people from their friends and partners in the United States.

The Foreign Minister has been most generous to give me a reproduction of the treaty between the United States and Algeria signed by President Washington, a symbol of the enduring and important relationship between the United States and Algeria extending back centuries.

Security cooperation continues to be among the most important priorities of engagement for our governments. The United States is proud to stand with Algeria to fight terrorism and to take steps to address drivers of violent extremism.

The United States values Algeria’s hard-won gains against terrorism and supports Algeria’s efforts to share those lessons with others. We are grateful for Algeria’s leadership in the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

We also support Algeria’s important and ongoing diplomatic efforts to advance peace and security in the region, particularly in Mali and Libya. As we confront today’s challenges, know that the United States stands side-by-side with Algeria in our commitment to build peaceful and prosperous societies that benefit all citizens.

Of course, our strategic relationship extends beyond security and counterterrorism. A central pillar of America’s foreign policy is advancing our bilateral economic partnerships through fair, robust trade partnerships. In this spirit, we look forward to exploring new opportunities to expand trade and investment in Algeria.

We also place high priority in advancing people-to-people exchanges between the United States and Algeria. Our Middle East Partnership Initiative, English Access micro-scholarship program, and American Centers are but a few examples of how we strive to build friendships and understanding among our citizens.

Together, we are focused on unlocking the potential of all our citizens to ensuring the continued prosperity and security of both our great countries. We look forward to continuing our strong partnership and building upon it for the benefit of both the Algerian and American people.

I thank you again Your Excellency for hosting me today. It’s a great honor for me to stand here today. Thank you.

Published July 02, 2018 at 08:32PM
Read more at https://travel.state.gov

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