Saturday 23 February 2019

Press Releases: Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Kimberly Breier Travels to Brazil and Paraguay

Press Releases: Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Kimberly Breier Travels to Brazil and Paraguay
Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
February 22, 2019

Assistant Secretary Kimberly Breier will travel to Brazil and Paraguay February 24 through March 2 to promote regional prosperity, security, democracy, and human rights.

From February 24 to 28, Assistant Secretary Breier will travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, and Sao Paulo to deepen U.S.-Brazil cooperation in support of democracy in the Western Hemisphere, especially in Venezuela, and our shared economic prosperity and security. She will meet with senior government officials including Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo, Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, Secretary for Trade and International Affairs Marcos Troyjo, International Affairs Advisor Filipe Martins, and Federal Deputy for Sao Paulo Eduardo Bolsonaro. Assistant Secretary Breier also will meet with business leaders, students, and members of civil society. Furthermore, she will meet with UNHCR representatives, ambassadors from Lima Group countries, and Venezuelan migrants.

On March 1, Assistant Secretary Breier will travel to Paraguay. She will meet with President Mario Abdo Benitez, Finance Minister Benigno Lopez Benítez, Deputy Foreign Minister Hugo Saguier Caballero, Attorney General Sandra Quinonez Astigarraga, and SEPRELAD Minister Maria Epifania Gonzalez de Rodríguez. They will discuss bilateral and regional issues, including security cooperation, support for Venezuela, economic prosperity, and our shared commitment to democracy. She will also engage with civil society leaders, including anti-corruption activists.

For trip updates, please follow @WHAAsstSecty. For press inquiries, please email

Published February 22, 2019 at 09:57PM

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